IFS Sessions

My greatest love is assisting people to feel seen and heard, valued, and whole. I have been working with the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model to bring more understanding and compassion to my personal life since 2014, and because it has been such a transformative personal practice, IFS allows me to provide deep and meaningful work for my clients.

Because I am Autistic, Nonbinary, Queer, and a Person of Color, I resonate well with clients who also experience life outside of the sociocultural norm.

For those wanting to feel a stronger inner connection that positively affects their relationship to self and others and brings more caring to their daily experience, click the button for specific details on my IFS and IFIO services.

IFIO Sesssions

What I love most about the Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) approach to partnered work is the clear way it tracks and highlights the parts of each partner and how those parts interact with the parts of their partners. It is an incredibly creative approach to using IFS as a means for working through habitual relationship patterns, reactivity, and repairs. Through IFIO, partners are more able to see one another with compassion and care, and therefore have an easier time navigating conflicting needs.

IFIO also works really well to help navigate complex poly relationship challenges, again, through the tracking of parts and unpacking needs.

No relationship modalities can promise continued relationship success, in fact, sometimes therapeutic work leads to an understanding of incompatibilities or other barriers to moving forward. In these cases, IFIO lends to a more compassionate and conscious parting, or in some cases, healthy relationship restructuring.

For those who wish to create more grace and spaciousness within their relationships, clink the button below to learn more about my IFS and IFIO services.

I Ching Readings

Okay, let’s face it, divination is supremely outside of the box! And to that end, it can be incredibly helpful when we feel stuck. I first learned of the I Ching back in 1977, from watching on the sidelines as my mother consulted her book, The I Ching; or Book of Changes, by Wilhelm and Haynes.

She would unwrap the book from its red, paisley scarf, spread the scarf on her bed, open a small, carved wooden box carrying six shining coins with small square holes in the center, open her journal, and set about her divining. She never spoke to me about the book or its powers, but it drew my attention, so much so that I bought my own copy of the same book many, many years later.

I wanted to understand it the way my mother seemed to, wanted to know its magic and history, but the translation was profoundly inaccessible for me, and the ancient wisdom remained a mystery. I gave up and sold my copy of the book.

It wasn’t until years later that I happened upon Master Alfred Huang’s book, The Complete I Ching; The Definitive Translation, when it first became published in 2010. Master Huang’s meditations on the symbols and history made the ancient text so accessible and relatable, it became an integral part of my life for the past 15 years.

In 2016, I contacted Master Huang and asked if he would be interested in reading my children’s picture book manuscript, Pola’s Flower, with the intention of possibly offering a recommendation for the back cover of the book. He very graciously agreed to read the manuscript, and a week after sending it to him, he sent me a beautiful, loving reply and a very sweet endorsement for my book. We shared some exchanges about my use of the I Ching and some of his other books.

It is with honor and respect for Master Huang and his gifts to humanity that I say: the only reason I have gleaned any bit of wisdom from the I Ching is completely due to the enlightened brilliance of Master Huang, his decades of meditation, and his profound compassion which are embodied within and emanate from the pages of The Complete I Ching.

For information about my services related to the I Ching, please click the button below.

Support Groups for Autistic Adults

It seems every day right now is a weight baring down, oppression that both kicks us to the ground and challenges us to rise back up. We are collectively experiencing the push and pull of these times, experiencing both a deep need to be held with care and the inability to meet that same need for others. We are in a time that requires authenticity of connection.

We have all been exposed to varying shades and degrees of what we now call Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). DEI became a catchall for the complexities arising from our systems of oppression, systems such as racism, ableism, binary genderism, cishetism, classism, ageism, and more. DEI efforts have raised the collective awareness of the impact of these systems of oppression, and maybe have created some improvements for many who remain culturally disadvantaged in the US and world.

But DEI could not even be a thing if it weren’t for the countless numbers of people carrying the burden of teaching others what oppression looks like, what it feels like, and what it is.

For those of us who have experienced the pain of discrimination, marginalization, microaggressions, invalidation, blatant disregard, disadvantage, and a lack of access to resources due to being Autistic, we are currently carrying an enormous burden. It seems the landscape of DEI has grown fast, making some movement for some people, but it is hard for us to keep up. We struggle to rally, to advocate, to be seen. We are currently overburdened because we lack access in ways that continue to go unseen, for our cultural burden is nonvisable.

It is for this reason that I created a place for us to come together, create supportive community, and find ways to stand up for ourselves without having to be burdened with the responsibility to teach others about ableism.

If you are a late-diagnosed Adult Autistic, Queer Autistic, Global Majority Autistic, or any combination of the three, and you want to join supportive community, click the button below for further information.

Buddhist Counsel

I have been providing Buddhist meditation instruction and spiritual counsel since 2012. My talent lies in understanding how we use our minds to create and perceive our own experiences. I have a pretty pragmatic take on Buddhism in America and I love bringing the wisdom of my teachers to students and clients to support their meditation practices on and off the cushion. Email me if you are interested in Buddhist Counsel sessions. Contact@DianaNadeau.com